Black Los Angeles County Client Coalition, Inc.


To The Board of Supervisors County of Los Angeles, California

William Legere's Appendage's For the meeting of the Board of Supervisors

County of Los Angeles - Meeting Date: May 16, 2017

Dear Board of Supervisors:

I am writing to clarify my (auditory) public comment-communication provided at the meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Los Angeles on May 16, 2017. Specifically, goal oriented of myself; and the Black Los Angeles County Client Coalition Inc., (BLACCC) I would like to address the categories that go beyond... our human rights struggle. I am asking for your support on behalf of BLACCC to help make it possible for consumer enhancement services; resources and advocacy supports that are necessary to survive in our communities and live a more productive-independent life.

In accordance with the Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) funding would help allow us; to give back to our communities; helping to further the advancement with all the important unresolved challenges; and issues... the regular system has not yet resolved to meet the needs of mental health consumer.


  1. I/we would like to complete the Peer Housing Specialist Certification Training (Course#1812-R) Funded

    by MHSA - Workforce Education and Training - The County of Los Angeles Department of Mental Health Training Program led by Pacific Clinics Training Institute (PCTI) in partnership with the USC School of Social Work. Since, consumer/volunteers have been restricted from the continued education (practicum) and supervisory coaching/educational phase experience;

  2. We would like to combat homelessness among mental health clients;

  3. We would like to curtail or reduce harm. The Harm Reduction from "Grade School to the Graveyard" caused by school bullies or the school to prison pipeline and the need for consumer advocacy;

(BLACCC) is a 501(c) (3) - Community based coalition:
I am the treasurer for BLACCC and I/we would like to see our Cross-Sector Collaborative initiated set in motion our program activities; benefiting consumers e.g., the California Department of Mental Health Vision Statement and Guiding Principles for consumers in accordance (DMH) implementation of the (MHSA) Community Services and Supports etal:

Approval Expenditures:

  1. We Request Approval Funding.
  2. To host and conduct the Annual Community Mental Health Wellness Cultural Forum "Keeping Hope Alive" Planting Seeds of Hope Through: Literacy, Education, Employment and Entrepreneurship.

We Can Achieve!
I would like to further my education and see systemic changes implemented for consumers so we can advance... equal opportunities.

Thank you very much.


William Legere

Treasurer-Consumer Rights Advocate

Black Los Angeles County Client Coalition, Inc.